Progressivism is the new powdered wig

April 17, 2019 Throughout history people have developed ways to stand apart from the crowd and establish themselves as more desirable than their peers. From codpieces to excessive, overt displays of piety, people compete to show themselves superior in whatever facet is valued most by their peers, whether it be wealth, piety, or intellectual acuity.…

Kaepernick’s Message

With Colin Kaepernick back in the news (apparently a large number of people think taking liberal positions entitles you to an NFL quarterback position), now seems like a good time to discuss how the national anthem protests illustrate one of the larger problems in our country.  We are no longer a nation of Americans who…

How Democracy Ends

June 27, 2017 It’s the end of January, 2019.  Nancy Pelosi has just been sworn in as Speaker of the House following a major Democratic victory in the midterm elections.  In the Senate, the Republicans managed to maintain a slim majority due to the favorability of the 2018 Senate map, with Democrats maybe gaining a…

A (Begrudging) Defense of Stephen Colbert

May 4, 2017 So, it has come to this.  In the past few days, Stephen Colbert, continuing in his long line of ‘attack Trump at any cost’ rhetoric, made a crude comment regarding the President’s relationship with Vladimir Putin.  Remember Putin?  He’s the leader of the country that Colbert’s hero, President Obama, called labeling as…

On Gorsuch, Democrats Reap What They’ve Sown

March 26, 2017 Now that the Democrats have announced their intention to filibuster Neil Gorsuch, one of the most qualified and non-filibuster worthy judges Trump could possibly have nominated, they committed most of their face time to argue how terrible and unthinkable it would be for the Republicans to invoke the so-called nuclear option.  Blatant…

The Uselessness of Intellectualism

March 1, 2017 Ever since Donald Trump first became a major candidate for president, people on both sides of the Trump aisle have been more interested in yelling at each other than in honest, reasoned debate.  To be honest, for most of human history people have been more interested in killing people who disagree with…

The Death of the Mainstream Media

February 20, 2017 Over the past couple of years, I’ve noted how it is increasingly difficult to talk about the mainstream media, because there no longer is a mainstream media.  With the proliferation of internet news sources, not to mention the popularity of the unambiguously partisan Fox News and MSNBC, news sources have become increasingly…

Is Trump Scandal Proof

January 17, 2017 Last week, when Trump announced his plans to deal with conflicts of interest with regards to his business empire during his presidency, it was promptly criticized by ethics experts.  The media went nuts.  The nation shrugged.  This, along with a similar response to his refusal to release tax returns during his presidential…

Lessons from Sessions Confirmation

January 10, 2017 As hearings begin to confirm Jeff Sessions as Attorney General of the United States, it appears likely that his confirmation will be one of the most contentious, and for good reasons.  Sessions is one of Trump’s most hardline nominees, and is in a position where he could exercise the most influence, particularly…